"The documents have been emailed to you. The buyers signed, and are moving into Parkchester tomorrow." WOW! An answer to a long-uttered prayer. The house actually sold. This news was the perfect amen to my road trip. Coming back to Dallas without the responsibility of the house is a great gift.
Where do you find a notary on Saturday morning? Ken at the Bank of America in Brentwood, TN, will always be one of my favorite people. Two trips (forgot one the first time), two long lines of waiting for Ken's official stamp, one hurried run to Kinko's for hastily done copies, and a successful drop-off at FedEx (Iknow, they are the same place, but it makes a more breathless narrative...) allowed me to exhale audibly. Thus, the pic for this entry is a forever memory....
When I "shared" the good news on FB, I received numerous responses from people who prayed for the sale. How precious that friends who don't really know me have prayed faithfully for the Lord to bless another family with this wonderful house.
Lots of amens on this journey.....but lots of hallelujahs, as well. God is good....He is good all the time.
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