Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hanging With The WindowWashers

"What are those hooks for?" The guest asked about the commercial-sized hooks dotting the walls of the rooftop outdoor living space. These could easily support King Kong. "They are for the window washers," answered Marianne. Not only did I NOT want to think about such a job --I didn't even want to think about approaching the railing. As the others oohed and ahhed over the resort-like grounds 13 stories below, I stood firmly in the middle of the terrazo-tiled area. Thankfully there are several thousand feet of space in which I could cower.
My hosts discovered two things about me tonight --- I don't like tomatoes and I don't like heights. The Psalmist wrote of God's caring for us on our high places. It doesn't take much for me to start calling out for hinds' feet.
Tomorrow I leave Cape Coral and drive to Sarasota where I have some interesting adventures lying in wait. I will tell you about them tomorrow night. One thing for sure ---- there won't be any precipices and probably no tomatoes.
As I am typing, spectacular lightning is putting on a show worthy of the most fabulous July 4th fireworks. Thanks for riding with me.
PS. This happy photo is on the morning terrace, not the rooftop! See how brave I am.


Anonymous said...

You look very happy and un-afraid of heights. I'm with you, I stand away from railings in high places and I hate the glass elevators. I get right up against the wall and don't care that everyone is telling me that I am missing a wonderful view - I will miss it. Judy

Heather said...

I am with you on the heights!