Monday, May 18, 2009

Building a Legacy

"Today our church is 90 years old. We remember what those who came before did and commit to leaving something for those 90 years from now." This statement summed up the celebration at the Reynolda Church where Meredith, Brian, Colby, Caden, and Colin Hurd belong. It was a very special Sunday with an active, worshipful memorial to the past ---- but more importantly, a devotion for the future. AND, they had donuts between services....lots and lots and lots of donuts. This is Krispy Kreme country. "In the beginning was the......donut!"
After lunch I took my traditional (and obligatory) Sunday afternoon nap then pointed the Cruiser toward Greensboro.
On the way I kept replaying that idea of looking to the future while holding to the values and blessings of the past. Sometimes I think we too hurriedly jettison our history in the name of progress. Principles never change, so why don't we eliminate the cultural implications and build on the solid tenets that never grow old?
I find it fascinating to think that I could leave something that would be helpful in 90 years. Improbable, but a great challenge. The Cruiser and I will continue to ponder!

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