Monday, October 1, 2007

Productivity in Hyperwarp

First Dad and then Zig Ziglar wisely observed: "The days before vacation are the year's most productive times."

My to-do list started as a reasonable assemblage of activity.....then it moved into a crazy assortment of items achievable only by a twenty-four hour blitz. When I found myself writing a list on the McDonald's napkin as my daughter taught me how to do wi-fi, I knew I had crossed over into some darker space.

As young marrieds in First Baptist Church of Nashville, Tennessee, we used to talk about leaving our house "dying ready." That meant we would not only have the obligatory clean underwear on required by our mothers "in case you were in an accident," but your house qualified for inspection by the "church ladies," in case you didn't return home. When they brought casseroles, they would ooh and aah rather than cluck their spiritual tongues.

Although the thought does pass through my mind briefly, a post mortem visitor will just have to be appalled at my dust tolerance. Conceptions should be immaculate, not the backs of bookcases!

The clock ticks down to rolling out of the driveway time. I am excited, but a bit tenuous. "Are you going by yourself?" has been asked enough to actually seep into my consciousness. Am I going alone? It may look that way, but the answer is definitely NO. I have the love of my family, the encouragement of friends, the ever-present Holy Spirit, and the sweet blessing of my heavenly Mom and Dad. As I pull up to a McDonald's in Eagle River, Wisconsin to write, I may look alone and far from home with my Texas license plates, but I will be just as "at home" as if I were driving the streets of Dallas. I will be driving that "great cloud of witnesses" on this road trip. And they will thoroughly enjoy the scenery.



Unknown said...

Wishing you a wonderful journey filled with much joy and discovery. It sounds like the next chapter of your life is about to begin. I know it will be a valuable and impactful one!

Dan W.

Jeff H. said...

Have a great trip. I look foward to reading the blog everyday!