Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Soul Rest

First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, MS poured refreshing and refilling into my spirit. The music, the teaching, the worshipful atmosphere, and the presence of the Holy Spirit engulfed me. Ralph and Jane Lord, longtime friends of Mom and Dad, graciously invited me into their lovely home and into their evening church service. It was a very appropriate and delightful way to end the trip on the Trace. After church, Jane served a Southern Sunday supper in the dining room ----the warmth and beauty of the surroundings nourished me, as did the food.
How did Fred stretch you? My question to Ralph opened up a conversation about the lay movement in America, the influence of the Layman’s Leadership Institute in years passed, and the happy memories of Christian meetings. Blest Be The Tie That Binds is accurate and true. These people welcomed me into their home and their lives with joy and grace.

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