Fittingly, there is no pic for this post. There is no way for me to capture the awe of Saturday morning in Appleton, WI.
Dr. James Veum transferred from earth to heaven last week. His life was honored and God was worshipped in Appleton on June 3rd. Roberta blessed me with her invitation to attend with her.
The First English Lutheran Church grabbed my heart and spirit as I entered. The beautiful woodwork, the stained glass, the high ceilings, and the strains of organ music transported me to a place of deep worship.
We moved through the service, following the liturgy, entering in with readings, and congregational singing. No song leader --- just a common agreement to begin at the end of the organ's bold introduction. That fascinated this Baptist girl!
I did not know Dr. Veum, but I hope to spend time with him in heaven. Each moment of the service drew me closer and closer to the spirit of God. The Spirit clearly filled that gracious room.
Sitting there gave me moments to review the trip. I saw God's protection, His blessings, His surprises, His epiphanies....good word in the church.
At the end of the service, Dr. Veum's son, Erik quietly stepped to the front, picked up his violin, and played one of Massenet's famous works. My heart and my eyes filled with emotion as the music soared. But, as the music ended,, Erik took a step, put his hand on the casket, and mouthed, "Bye, Dad." Even now as I write about it, my eyelids cannot keep back the tears. The common bond of children saying goodbye to godly parents binds us all.
I realized the wonder of sitting in Wisconsin with a room full of people I will probably never see again until heaven and yet experiencing the oneness of Christ's body. Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee.
The pastor sermonized and spoke the amen.....the organist struck the powerful first measure of Widor's Toccata --- I was glued to my seat. We will hear that in heaven --- it will play on the elevators, along with Handel's Messiah!
We silently walked out of the church. As we sat in the car for a moment, Roberta said, "I don't think we will need to go to church tomorrow!" She smiled and I totally agreed. Surely, the presence of the Lord was in that place and I was blessed beyond all expectation.