Saturday, August 21, 2010

Floyd to Lloyd

Alice Lloyd came to Appalachia to find young men and women who would make a difference. She wrote back to her Boston friends, "The leaders are here." That was true in 1917 and especially true in 2010.
"Call me when you get lost.....and you will," said the President's assistant. The travel from Floyd, VA to Pippa Passes, KY. was full of oohs and ahhs as I motored deeper and deeper into the mountains of Eastern Kentucky.
The Miracle of Caney Creek is the book written about Mrs. Lloyd's dream. I thought I was prepared for this campus visit --- but there was no way to anticipate this emotional experience.
Over the bridge are the words "Bridge to the Future." As I looked up and saw the students standing over Caney Creek, I thought I saw Mrs. Lloyd smile.
Scripture tells us "without vision, the people perish." With purpose, plan, and perseverance people not only survive, but thrive for generations. A big part of my heart now lives in Pippa Passes!

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