Monday, August 16, 2010

Jesus With Skin On

"When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be ---- when we all see Jesus and shout the jubilee!"
I once went to a camp that had "rapture practice." Actually, it was just a way they could get a group of sleepy kids to jump before breakfast!
We talk about heaven --- we talk about Jesus --- and so often we fail to practice for the real thing. Steve Brown focused (when he wasn't doing holy rabbit trails) on the call of God to love one another.
I cannot think of a more important message for our church today. In the name of doctrinal purity, we are bleaching the life out of one another. Dallas Seminary has a plaque in the middle of the campus reading, Preach the Word. What is that word other than love? Preach, don't bleach, please.
My friends pictured above are Cove friends ---- two precious women (and Steve, of course) who grew up with him in Asheville. They have adopted me and the attendees started calling us "the three." We all go to different churches, follow varying doctrinal traditions, and yet all love Jesus and each other. Pretty cool.
When we all get to heaven and see Jesus we are going to truly see Him as He is, but right now we have a chance to love each other as Jesus with skin on day by day.

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