Sunday, January 3, 2010

Where Have You Been?

Somewhere in September I dropped out of the blogosphere, didn't I? I stopped taking pictures, finding spiritual principles in the everyday, and generally disappeared. But here I am again ---writing to you while talking to myself.
My Dad used to love quoting Emerson and Thoreau who would greet one another with, "What has become clearer since we last met?" What would you say if I asked that question?
And what answer would I give you?
1) Living at Holly Lake has brought new friends, new experiences, and a missing of old friends.
2) Life is very precious. I have 10 friends who are struggling physically. I put each one of them on a finger and when I wiggle it heavenward, then I pray for them. I drive so many miles and type so many words, they get lots and lots of prayer time.
3) It is possible to get mentally and physically lazy without structure.
4) God doesn't quit working in and on us just because we age... His purpose and plan seem to be even more alive.
Enough ---- oh, and I have learned the deer will eat anything and everything with absolutely NO REGARD for the amount of money I spent on landscaping. Next year they will have to go elsewhere for their fresh salad bar!

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