Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jeff

"If you go into labor on Sunday, just don't call." At my regular doctor's appointment on January 15th, these were my final instructions.
The Cowboys were playing in Super Bowl 5, you see!
Jeff, being the ever-professional Cowboys fan, watched from in utero. But he didn't help much, for they lost to Baltimore 16-13. Two days later, he was rip roaring ready to make his appearance.
Tuesday the 19th was a beautiful day....bright sunshine and unseasonably moderate temperature.
His Dad and I ran errands, took the girls to their grandmother's house, and then headed to Baylor Hospital for a very quick delivery. From the beginning, Jeff was a man who knew his mind --- and knew how to take action.
He arrived in time for Dr. Wells to get home for dinner ---how considerate.
Since then he has brought joy, wisdom, strength, support, and guidance to his old Mom. In high school we joked about his being my "P and J" --- pride and joy. That doesn't change - it just gets more real year by year.
Today he is 39. Next year I will be a mother of three 40-something people. It makes it harder to stay 60, doesn't it?
Thanks, Jeff, for a life that matters. Thank you for using your gifts to bless Anne, Jack, and every one you touch.
Happy birthday, kiddo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brenda, I really enjoy everything you write. Such talent !