Monday, January 11, 2010

Safety Gates

The bars came down just as I approached the crossing. Just a few seconds more and I would have made it across before the arms blocked my way.
I sat waiting for this unbelievably long parade of transport cars to pass. Then, I thought about the implications of railroad gates.
They exist to stop progress in a dangerous direction. They are colorful, equipped with flashers, and in the way! They come down BEFORE the train arrives and even stay down for a while longer after the train is down the track.
Haven't I experienced the Holy Spirit's arms in this way? "Danger, danger, Will Robinson!" is often heard in my spirit. Sometimes I stop, look, and listen. Other times I need the prompting of the safety gate.
When my son, Jeff, was in high school and just newly driving, he called from school. "Mom, I broke the windshield on the way to school." "Jeff, how did you do this?" "Well, I think I drove through the gate at the train crossing." "You think?" Sure enough, the shattered windshield testified to his story.
It is a pain to wait as trains pass slowly by. But, it is way more painful to race them and lose. God's arms often lower in protection, letting us know one of life's locomotives is on the way and it is probably best to give it room.

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