"Jack Kinder is in the hospital?" The volunteer at Medical City/Dallas seemed shocked as I asked for his room number. "I am in his brother's Sunday School class and sit next to Jack each week. I will walk you over." Well, "over" meant the farthest possible building from the information desk. Dad died in that hospital and I knew those halls very well, having walked them night after night- hour after hour.
"He's in ICU and I will see if we can come in," my new friend Barbara said.
How is it she was standing there at the very time I walked up? Providence!
While Dad was alive, we read together for an hour or more each day, then prayed. After he died, I volunteered to read to Jack Kinder, one of Dad's friends, each week. Jack, an international speaker, writer, and businessman, suffered a debilitating stroke in January, 1995 while speaking in Chicago. He has no speech, and is paralyzed on his entire right side. I love this time with him ---- it blesses my heart.
So, when I arrived at the rehab and heard he was hospitalized, my heart sank. I headed to Medical City and there I met Barbara White, angel of God.
We entered Jack's ICU room quietly and stood by his bed. A bleeding ulcer was trying to throw him for a loop. But, he is way tougher than anything like that. I told him, "Remember what Dad always said, Jack.....there are people who give ulcers and those who get them." He held my hand tightly and clearly understood we were there.
Before we left, I asked to pray with him - even with the nurse standing by to take blood. I put my hand on his head, and prayed for my sweet friend. With eyes closed, I heard the nurse agreeing with "yes, Jesus...." Jack was in the hands of many angels.
What are the chances of this "coincidence?" None at all. God hugged Barbara, Jack, and me yesterday with a precious time together. He blessed me with a new friend and a short time with an old one. He allowed me to lift up the name of Jesus in the Medical City ICU --- pretty cool.
God hugs are all around us. Sometimes I think "lifting holy hands" is really a child reaching up to a loving Father and saying, "Hold me ---- hold me." And hold He does!
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