A friend here in the piney woods was in the appliance business before retirement. "Fall in love with the 'Use and Care Guide' was the advice to all new customers. This is the only way to find out all the wonderful things your new appliance will do."
Now, let me tell you. There is not one guide in my house with even the slightest hint of use or care! "But how do you know what it will do if you don't read about it?" Does it do the one thing I bought it to do? Then, I am happy. But, I am deprived, as well.
Take my digital camera, for example. A dozen icons pop up each time it is on. Do I have the faintest idea what they mean? Absolutely not. Do I know how to press the button to take the picture. Yes, and that is all I want to know. Am I limiting the enjoyment of the camera? Probably, but it doesn't bother me enough to devote hours of time reading the instructions.
You are way ahead of me on this, aren't you? God gave us a "Use and Care Guide" when He inspired the Bible. We can memorize a handful of verses and make it through life just fine. We will be equipped for basic functionality. But will I (took responsibility for this one and moved from "we") take the time to read, study, and exult in all He has built into this Christian life?
I met a man last week who has literally worn out three bibles in his 90 years. Of course, this man probably wore out the user's guide for each and every appliance he ever bought his wife!
I was taught to underline the commands in red and the promises in yellow. But, that bible long ago bit the dust. And, anyway ---- I don't need them underlined in a book --- I need them underlined in my heart.
The wonder of wonders these days is that all guides can be downloaded from websites. That is what I need to do ---- do a spiritual download ----"Thy Word have I hid in my heart" is the way David put it. This year I think I will fall in love with the Use and Care Guide given me by the one who cares so deeply and uses me despite myself --- my most holy guide.
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