Friday, January 15, 2010

Sleep, Baby Jesus

One of the happiest times each year is the "unpacking of the nativities." My son, Jeff, began the collection about 32 years ago and it continues to grow. I love them for they represent travel, both by me and my friends. They each have a story for me and as I put them out, they help me recall the sweet memories.

They stay out sharing the story of Jesus until mid-January (or early February sometimes) when they get packed away to hibernate. Some stay out with me all year long because their stories are particularly poignant.

Yesterday was the "put them back in the closet" day. I dreaded wrapping all the little pieces, but as I began, I soon realized the joy of saying goodbye to them for awhile. They have their own dedicated closet and they safely abide!

The thought occurred to me ----how often do I take my relationship with Jesus, wrap it carefully in spiritual tissue paper, and safely tuck it away from my everyday life? How often do I live a life reflecting a sleeping Jesus? Shouldn't He be front and center every day of the year? Prayer closets are wonderful, but closeting my savior is a big mistake. Instead, He should be like the few nativities which have a full-time place of display in my house. He should be evident in and out of season.

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