Saturday, January 16, 2010

A New Perspective

"Look, it's a deer!"
The ladies staying here this weekend on their church planning retreat raced to the window.
You all know by now about the love/hate relationship I have with the deer. They grace my yard as living sculptures, and disgrace my yard as living scavengers.
But each time new people come, I start to see them through another set of eyes. I momentarily forget their mess, their greedy chomping away at my expensive plants, and stop to see their curious personalities, their agile movements, and their total disregard of any danger I pose.
"My thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways." God clearly spoke, didn't He? Our filters need changing often. We need to see things as God sees them ---- or at least appreciate the fact His view is different.
When things don't add up, we can only assume His perspective is different. When precious friends suffer great losses, I can only confess my inadequacy to understand, then acknowledge His sovereignty.
It would probably do me good to stand for awhile to ooh and aah over the deer. God truly doesn't make any junk --- and this certainly applies to my four legged munchers.

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