"Stand by the pipes and I will take your picture," were my instructions to sister Mary Helen. She and her husband are building a new house. By Thanksgiving, they will be moving into their dream home.
I have never been through this process, so sharing it with her will be fun. Actually, standing outside the project will probably be much more fun than being intimately involved in every nail, screw, and outlet placement. There is much to be said for vicarious construction!
We journeyed to the job site to inspect the foundation. Of course, being the analogy freak that I am, I immediately wandered off mentally to the land of "this is like...."
And, of course, this was an easy one. But, it wasn't as easy to answer as it was to formulate.
What is the foundation of my life? Jesus Christ, of course. As I ran down the personal catechism, I asked myself: "In whom do you trust?" Jesus Christ would be the answer again. "Oh, really, Brenda?" The voice stabbed at my heart. Recently, the financial meltdown had threatened not only my joy, my peace, but my entire well-being. I could do the sovereignty talk, but the acid in my stomach, and pain in my psyche told me I needed to revisit the answer to the trust question.
Martin Luther wrote the words, "How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith, in His excellent word." Interesting choice of words. Doubtless, Martin Luther had walked through the cathedrals of Germany as he anguished over the nature of God and salvation. Ultimately, he understood that it was by faith, and faith alone, that the Lord brings us to redemption ---- no works. THAT is the firm foundation. THAT is the only foundation.
Just as Mary Helen and her husband depend on the integrity of their house's foundation, so must I depend on the integrity of God's word....his excellent word. When He says, "Fear not" (as is written nearly 365 times in scripture), it means, "Brenda, look in my face and get over trusting in your retirement plan ---- look in my face and see where life is--- look in my face, period!"
Lord, I believe ---- help thou my unbelief. Thanks, Mary Helen, for giving me a great jumping off place for thought and faith.