I knew the South was hospitable, but oh, my goodness! They painted signs on barns and even colorized the bridge in expectation of my passing through their region. You just can't beat Kentucky, can you? Talk about cheering me on!
Today two friends called to say they were praying for me and wanted me to be safe. I can't tell you how wonderfully encouraging those calls were. One came as I was waiting for the world's best sandwich in La Grange, Ky.....called the Benedictine and Bacon. It had cucumber, cream cheese, bacon, tomato, and onion all mushed together on homemade bread. The other came as I left Abraham Lincoln's birthplace in Hodgenville, marveling at the wisdom of a man with very little formal education, but a God-given passion for learning.
My precious daughter-in-law asked me yesterday when I would start missing home. The more miles I clock, the more my heart feels a tug for the piney woods, but the rise of the next hill keeps me enthusiastic about Road Trip 2010.
It is nearing 1am and I have "many miles before I sleep" tomorrow night, so I better "say goodnight, Gracie." Grace ---- how very true. When people marvel that I am traveling by myself, I know that isn't true ---- the grace of God, the encouragement of my sweet friends, and the gifts of hospitality along the way are all partners. 'Night!
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