Saturday, June 19, 2010

Trucking Along

I wrote about Ormsby Trucking on day one...."This trucking company was built on the vision of a blind man."
I sent an email to the company thanking them for the inspiration. I received a response from the president, Reg Ormsby. He gave me his Dad's history and the story behind the slogan. Their website states the next generation is carrying on the vision of Vaughan Ormsby, their Dad.
The parallels between the trucking company and BWF were clear. We are built on the counsel of Paul to Timothy: "Take what you have heard from me and entrust it to faithful people who will pass it on." (That is the Brenda paraphrase.... for the inspired translation check out 2 Timothy 2:2.) Dad's life was about learning and passing on ---our vision is continuing this work....just like the Ormsbys.
As I think about Father's Day, it is fun to see legacy in action as we both truck along --- Reg and his family in mammoth 18 wheelers, and me in the Cruiser.
My friend, Janet, asked me to come back with new friends and new stories....guess the Ormsbys count!

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