2010 has been an interesting year ---- two encounters with Elwood of the Blues Brothers! One in London, Ontario and one in Branson, Mo
"Oh, we have a great show on Thursday night ---- you will really enjoy it." Dale's enthusiastic words made me eager to arrive in London, Ontario. He and Kathleen own the London City Music Theatre....sometimes they feel like it owns them for it is an all-consuming passion for them.
The show was fabulous, dahling. Two "authorized" Blues Brothers impersonators along with Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin entertained us for 2 1/2 hours. The audience just loved the evening.
Afterwards, I stood with a soaking wet "Jake" to have a pic made. At least the guy in Branson had the advantage of being sweatless....even though he was also very lifeless. :)
Years ago the annual Northwestern Mutual meetings in Milwaukee always featured the Booze Brothers (who seemed to live up to their name). This group is billed as Da Blooze Brothers. Wonder how many variations we could create... Now THAT would be a good traveling game after I have exhausted looking for license plates.
A fun evening, indeed!