The last week has given me time to process. What did I learn?
1) God is so very good to this child of His. He and His people watched over me with diligence, tenderness, and love.
2) We live in a beautiful country. Any creativity we exhibit is a reflection of a God whose spoken word produced magnificence.
3) The time away energized my spirit. Any years I have left must be dedicated and devoted to living God's way.
4) Encouraging friends in the Spirit has to be the best use of my time. Praying with other believers provides a profound connection to the Father.
5) I am blessed with friends and family at home who strengthen my heart.
Road trips aren't for everyone I know, but I can't imagine why not. My Dad once told me he walked into my bedroom when I was little and found me with arms wrapped around my knees very late at night. "Why aren't you asleep, Brenda?" "How can anyone sleep when there is so much to think about?" I am thankful for a Dad who thought that was a cool answer from an 8 year old! He would have loved my road trips ---- so much to see and think about!
I am having a hard time adjusting to "life off the road." But, the same God who nurtured me day after day on this trip will lead me. What a great hope.
My friend Roberta has a license plate that reads " Soli D G" It is shorthand for Soli Deo Gloria ---- ALL glory to God. SDG is a great three letter summary for Road Trip 2010.