Howard Hendricks, known as "Prof" to generations of Dallas Seminarians, once responded to a student who started his explanation with "Well, under the circumstances" by saying, "Son, what are you doing under there?"
My blog is billed as writing about the travels and travails of my life journey. I find it much easier to snap a pic, post it, and then see the spiritual applications. That is sheer joy. It is much harder to face the travails.
But, what kind of tour guide only shows you the movie set side of life?
This has been a tough year.... it has been the Dickens' "the best of times and the worst of times."
My grandsons are all growing. They ache all over as their bodies stretch. I, too, am growing and I ache, as well.
Remember the old Andy Williams' song, "Where is this place called Lonely Street?" I have the answer ---- it is in East Texas on West Holly Trail. The peace sometimes leaves me in pieces. I don't miss LBJ traffic, but I miss the movement of people in my life buzzing back and forth.
However, Dr. Hendricks is right ---- these are circumstances and I have taken my eye off the ball --- taken my eye off Jesus. The enemy of my soul has done one of those sleight of hand tricks --- distracting me to lead me astray. I am not "under the circumstances;" I am under the blood of Christ. My happiness is not dependent on the happenings; my joy is dependent on freedom in Jesus.
So, every now and then I am going to open my heart's door and share the darker side of the journey ---- only because there is true light along this route. Probably won't have as many pics, but who knows ---- I may surprise myself --- and you!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Signs of Truth
"Expect delays" ------"Expect extended delays" ------"Delays ahead"
I saw all of these often on the trip. Each time it was because construction was ahead or because accidental destruction occurred. The warnings made me do a giant "Oh, no...." then try to figure out an alternative route (which usually ended up taking longer than waiting out the delay, by the way).
Okay, you are way ahead of me on this application, aren't you? Let's jump in and do it together...when God has us under construction or when we have run off the road creating spiritual destruction, we see the flashing sign -----"Expect delays!"
The journey to the Celestial City wasn't straight, nor easy for Christian in Pilgrim's Progress. I find it just as challenging. My paternal grandfather was named for John Bunyan and carried with him the vision of this great Puritan.
I, on the other hand, struggle with these delays and push to find ways around them. I am impatient and often grumble when my forward progress is deterred. But, you know something? Some of the greatest growth comes in those delays. He told me to expect them --- and sure enough, they are there. He told me sometimes they would be extended--- and sometimes they feel like they will never end.
But they do! I look back and see why I needed to slow down. I see dangerous places in the road, see roadblocks, and am grateful for the warnings.
God's principles pop up in the everyday --- what fun!
I saw all of these often on the trip. Each time it was because construction was ahead or because accidental destruction occurred. The warnings made me do a giant "Oh, no...." then try to figure out an alternative route (which usually ended up taking longer than waiting out the delay, by the way).
Okay, you are way ahead of me on this application, aren't you? Let's jump in and do it together...when God has us under construction or when we have run off the road creating spiritual destruction, we see the flashing sign -----"Expect delays!"
The journey to the Celestial City wasn't straight, nor easy for Christian in Pilgrim's Progress. I find it just as challenging. My paternal grandfather was named for John Bunyan and carried with him the vision of this great Puritan.
I, on the other hand, struggle with these delays and push to find ways around them. I am impatient and often grumble when my forward progress is deterred. But, you know something? Some of the greatest growth comes in those delays. He told me to expect them --- and sure enough, they are there. He told me sometimes they would be extended--- and sometimes they feel like they will never end.
But they do! I look back and see why I needed to slow down. I see dangerous places in the road, see roadblocks, and am grateful for the warnings.
God's principles pop up in the everyday --- what fun!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Miss June's House
"You'll be staying in Miss June's house." Having read The Miracle on Caney Creek I knew this was the residence of Miss June Buchanan, co-founder of Alice Lloyd College and namesake for the K-12 June Buchanan School on the campus.
"This is the closest I will ever come to staying in the Lincoln Bedroom" was my response.
What was I doing in this honored place?
I was there because my Dad made a difference in the lives of many and I was coming to Pippa Passes, KY. to carry on his legacy. A tad overwhelming.
In April, 2011, a team of men and women influenced by Dad will be coming to the campus to participate in a Fred Smith, Sr. Leadership Symposium. I came to meet with Dr. Jim Stepp, Executive Vice President and brother of President Joe Stepp. All this was heady enough, but sleeping in Miss June's bed touched me.
As I sat in the early morning hours preparing for the breakfast meeting, the anachronistic nature of the scene hit me. I was wirelessly online as I sat on her porch ready to talk about Breakfast With Fred. Their hearts were for mountain leaders; one of Dad's favorite phrases was "Give me men to match my mountains." June, Alice, and Dad would have been a dynamite team.
Getting ready, I stood in Miss June's bathroom, looked into her mirror, and thought about her focused determination. "Brenda, to what is your life given?" was my question. I want to think the image in the mirror reflects the heart and life of her service looking to the Lord Jesus Christ for power and strength.
Faces of the Future
The pic with Alice Lloyd is crying out for a caption, don't you think? This tiny woman doggedly built a community to develop, educate, and inspire leaders for Appalachia. Her dedication is built into the DNA of this campus. "We are taking advantage of every opportunity we have in order to come back and lead in Appalachia."
The personal stories varied, but the personal devotion to the vision of Alice Lloyd remained consistent.
I am grateful to Kayla, Natalie, Janet, Tiffany, and Cody was making my visit meaningful.
By the way, the fireplace is in the business building. When originally built, it was used to heat the classroom. Now, it sits adjacent to all the latest electronic equipment which heats up the brains and futures of Alice Lloyd students.
One more thank you ---- to Alice Lloyd was seeing the majesty of the mountains and the magnificence of its people.
Floyd to Lloyd
"Call me when you get lost.....and you will," said the President's assistant. The travel from Floyd, VA to Pippa Passes, KY. was full of oohs and ahhs as I motored deeper and deeper into the mountains of Eastern Kentucky.
The Miracle of Caney Creek is the book written about Mrs. Lloyd's dream. I thought I was prepared for this campus visit --- but there was no way to anticipate this emotional experience.
Over the bridge are the words "Bridge to the Future." As I looked up and saw the students standing over Caney Creek, I thought I saw Mrs. Lloyd smile.
Scripture tells us "without vision, the people perish." With purpose, plan, and perseverance people not only survive, but thrive for generations. A big part of my heart now lives in Pippa Passes!
Out of the Fog
"Don't enter in fog, snow, or ice." The boilerplate warning on the Welcome to the Blue Ridge Parkway sign caught my eye, but not much more on this beautiful August Monday morning.
I cheerfully drove along the curvy road listening to blue grass music and congratulating God on his good work. Suddenly the fog descended, blocking the breathtaking views and slowing my progress to a crawl.
Where was the sun when I needed its heat to burn off this smoky haze? Well, Brenda, you ARE in the Smoky Mountains!
By Blowing Rock, the sky was blue, the mountain vistas exhilarating, and my attitude much improved.
I laughed as I thought of those times of spiritual fog when I desperately needed the Son to burn off the haze. I remembered times when I missed the opportunities for spiritual sightseeing because my vision was limited. I quickly thanked the Lord for His fresh wind that blew away those foggy times in my spirit and left me with clarity of soul. Fog driving is difficult; fog living is disastrous.
Ole in Floyd
"How about Mexican?" That is a pretty normal question around dinner time in Texas. But in Floyd, VA? Sure enough, I met Margie Keith, sister Wilma, and brother in law Glenn at El Charro's.
The authentic menu transported me thousands of miles back home. A fun experience.
The trip to Floyd was motivated not by Tex-Mex, but by long time friendship. Margie's friendship with Dad and our family went back nearly 50 years....first in Nashville and then in Dallas.
BWF's ability to produce continuing articles and weekly thoughts is in great part due to Margie's faithful transcription of Dad's notes for nearly 20 years. Her gifts extended far beyond her official "term of service."
When the Lord Jesus spoke to the disciples of those who would come behind, he spoke to the legacy of faith. BWF is about stretching and blessing future generations because Dad's wisdom is made available. Margie is a key link in that chain.
Sometimes we wonder about the impact of our day to day work ----Margie Keith proves the value of the words, "Whatsoever your hand finds to do - do it with all your might." Thanks, Margie.
The authentic menu transported me thousands of miles back home. A fun experience.
The trip to Floyd was motivated not by Tex-Mex, but by long time friendship. Margie's friendship with Dad and our family went back nearly 50 years....first in Nashville and then in Dallas.
BWF's ability to produce continuing articles and weekly thoughts is in great part due to Margie's faithful transcription of Dad's notes for nearly 20 years. Her gifts extended far beyond her official "term of service."
When the Lord Jesus spoke to the disciples of those who would come behind, he spoke to the legacy of faith. BWF is about stretching and blessing future generations because Dad's wisdom is made available. Margie is a key link in that chain.
Sometimes we wonder about the impact of our day to day work ----Margie Keith proves the value of the words, "Whatsoever your hand finds to do - do it with all your might." Thanks, Margie.
Monday, August 16, 2010
"You just must see Mast General Store."Anne and Bob's introduction to our Sunday afternoon tour couldn't begin to describe this fabulous place in Waynesville, NC.
Downstairs is a grandchild's delight....colorful bins of candy of all shapes, sizes, and descriptions. AND Nehi Peach. Have you ever had that? Sure, Nehi Orange and Nehi Grape, but Peach? Anne and Bob model the scrumptious elixir for you. It is "keep-the-bottle-so-you-never-forget" good.
Waynesville, NC is full of interesting people, beautiful shops, and delightful adventures, but Mast General Store put lots of deposits in my memory bank.
Spiritual application? Maybe sometimes it is okay just to enjoy and not try to find a "life principle." Sometimes it is just very good to "taste and see that the Lord is good."
Friendly Mountains
I lived in Colorado and spent a great deal of time in the Rocky Mountains.....they were scary. Late one night while driving from Denver to Pagosa Springs in a blizzard, I nearly went over a cliff....that will do something to you! Another night I drove that road anxiously, only to look into the clear sky and literally see an enormous representation of God's face in the vast starry, I wasn't doing post-hippie drugs...
The Rockies are majestic, bold, and even brazen. Ah, but the Smokies ----they are friendly. They hug you and tell you about the security of God's loving presence.
Leaving the Cove, I drove to Maggie Valley, NC to visit with new friends - Anne and Bob. She and I met in Brockville, Ontario. Her brilliant son did the landscape architecture for the Garden of Hope. Isn't it fun to have both summer trips weave into the road trip tapestry?
They toured me around Lake Junaluska, the Methodist encampment, and allowed me to enjoy the peacefulness of this lakeside retreat. In the 1930s my Mom and Aunt Helen camp here for a church meeting....I walked into buildings which were here and housed them.
We get so caught up in change, tearing down to build structures which are already obsolete at dedication, and forgetting the contribution of the past, we fail to stop and connect our dots. What a shame.
Paul asked Timothy to share what was taught him and pass that along. We stand on the shoulders (and row in the boats) of those who came before.
I peered in the windows of the conference center and pictured generations of young Methodists hearing the gospel message and committing to a life of godliness and service. I must confess, Steve's message of inclusion and love was still flowing for I didn't have any desire to run around and post a reformed blessing anywhere ---- I was thankful for the Wesleys and for the moment let John Calvin rest awhile!
Jesus With Skin On
"When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be ---- when we all see Jesus and shout the jubilee!"
I once went to a camp that had "rapture practice." Actually, it was just a way they could get a group of sleepy kids to jump before breakfast!
We talk about heaven --- we talk about Jesus --- and so often we fail to practice for the real thing. Steve Brown focused (when he wasn't doing holy rabbit trails) on the call of God to love one another.
I cannot think of a more important message for our church today. In the name of doctrinal purity, we are bleaching the life out of one another. Dallas Seminary has a plaque in the middle of the campus reading, Preach the Word. What is that word other than love? Preach, don't bleach, please.
My friends pictured above are Cove friends ---- two precious women (and Steve, of course) who grew up with him in Asheville. They have adopted me and the attendees started calling us "the three." We all go to different churches, follow varying doctrinal traditions, and yet all love Jesus and each other. Pretty cool.
When we all get to heaven and see Jesus we are going to truly see Him as He is, but right now we have a chance to love each other as Jesus with skin on day by day.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Open Your Hands
Steve Brown, in his inimitable style, totally ignored the printed outline ---- how refreshing. The last time I came to the Cove, a couple behind me kept flipping pages. Finally, one said to the other, "I cannot find out where he is!" It made me laugh. Steve is never on the printed page --- but he is always right where he needs to be.....poking and prodding.
I left home with a fuzzy head and a fretful heart.....little by little as I drove, the Lord threw the heavy rocks from the bag I was carrying, and left them behind. I called my sister to exclaim, "I am getting free!" Good thing because Steve is all about that.
Walking into the beautiful lobby, I sat down by the fireplace and thought of Ruth Graham's lovely book and her thoughts while sitting by her fire. God works in the fire, whether to refine, restore, or renew. This fireplace is very special to me ---- it speaks of God's precious blessing on my life. There are holy places in all of our lives --- The Cove is one of those for me.
Steve talked about volitionally opening our hands and offering EVERYTHING to God. I had to lay down hurtful thoughts, carefully crafted phrases I was warehousing for the right time, and a heart that often resisted mercy. Oh, how I hate when the Lord shows up and shows me up! But, then when He is through and the heart is opened, there is such peace.
As I sit here by the fireplace writing this, I am 12 again, sitting at Ridgecrest Baptist Assembly and dedicating myself to "full time Christian service." Use me, Lord, and empty the bag of rocks ---use them to build an altar and build bridges. They are way too heavy to carry and way too dangerous. Thank you, Jesus.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Face to Face
The first real stop on this trip is Nashville. Have you noticed how many times the road automatically goes through Music City? Funny, but I wonder if Jeff, Anne, and Jack moved, would my itinerary change, as well? HMMMM
"Walking Jack" greeted me as I came through the door ---- but very cautiously. He kept one eye on me without losing sight of where Mom and Dad were.....none of this bait and switch stuff.
He ran through his repertoire of tricks and then settled down for an afternoon siesta.
Jeff and Anne shared a rare date night, so Jack and I celebrated the evening by making a special trip to Wal-Mart. I am so proud of his parents ----he is Wal-Mart certified at 16 months.
After that were the key times: dinner, story, and bed! Anne says Jack is now a "food factor" in her budget. She is absolutely right. He loves to eat.
During story time we cuddled on the couch, sharing many books with kinesthetic stimulation....big thick pages and finger puppet characters!
All was going smoothly until he pulled back his head, literally stared at me, then adopted a serious raincloud expression ---- just before crying. It occurred to him that this voice wasn't his Mommy's voice --- and this face very definitely wasn't his Mommy's face ------YIKES O RAMA ---- WHERE IS MOMMY?Thankfully, I was an okay substitute and we moved on to the third time - bed with great peace.
Someday there will be times in heaven ---- judgment time, shoutin' time, feasting time ---- and then NO TIME! We will look into His face and He into ours.....and there will be no crying, no tears whatsoever because this will be the face we have longed to see. We will be face to face with Jesus.
Not Wired Enough
In this wireless world, cables are still necessary ----- definitely for the downloading of pics to one's blog! Well, the particular cable that accomplishes that task is sleeping happily in the right drawer of my office desk in the piney woods! SO ---- until I get home the blog will be "words only." However, I promise to drop in the appropriate pics when I return.
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