We moaned and groaned, thinking management was going to leave us bereft of any indication we existed. And with no lights other than those on the sign, we often missed the turn at night.
Then, one day a work crew appeared. With great interest, we watched their slow progress wondering about the plan. "They are just going to plant trees and leave it at that." "They are going to pocket the insurance money and run." Amazing how our grapevine can run wild over such a small item. When you live among the retired, the smallest event triggers a flurry of rumors.
Without much fanfare, the new sign appeared last week.....quite beautiful and well-lighted.
I couldn't miss the spiritual parallels. It seems lately I have had several of life's signs torn down. It seems dark when I am making turns, and I grumble. "Lord, what is your will? Lord, don't you love me enough to let me know what you want? It is dark out here and I need light!"
Quietly, He teaches me to trust Him. "Brenda, there's something beautiful coming....just hang on and stop complaining.....and stop making assumptions about Me!"
I think each time I pass the entrance, I will hopefully remember that our property management company cares about our welfare and my heavenly Property Manager cares way more than I could ever know.
1 comment:
Oh how I can make assumptions about God - you would think we talked all the time. And he is probably saying, come on, when was the last time we talked!
Part of my problem.
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