Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hello, Barbara

Last Saturday morning I packed the car (again) and headed for Dallas. My daughter, Heather, was chair of the women's luncheon at her church. Each year the ladies transform the gym into a room full of laughter, good food, and much love. Heather began her remarks by commenting on the absence of Barbara Crandell --- the original "mother" of this luncheon idea. It started with 20 people and has grown to nearly 170.
Barbara is currently staying with her daughter after a stroke and time at a rehab facility.
"Okay, I am going to take three pictures to get the entire room in. Smile and wave to Barbara!" We did as we were told and Heather captured the group sending much love to our friend.
Do you ever feel like God is waving at you? Or at least his angels? I often speak of God hugs, but sometimes it is like a wave ---- a "Hey, there --- I see you in the race and I know you need to know I am here."
The Bible speaks of the great cloud of witnesses that cheers us on. I kinda like thinking they are doing the heavenly wave as they watch me. There are many days when a cheer is needed, aren't there? And there are many days when we need to be the cheerleader for the rest of the team. So, today ---- considered yourself waved to! Keep on going.

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