On Monday, September 14th, my road trip schedule was the drive from Des Moines to Chicago.
Jeff, Anne, and Jack's schedule put them at the Des Moines airport on the way to Nashville.
A wonderfully happy crossing of the paths!
So, of course, I made my way out Fleur Drive to the airport and waited to see this happy threesome.
Honestly, I knew how Mom felt! There they were - within 10 feet of me---and my heart was happy.
A quick visit allowed me to hold my newest grandson, hug my big kids, and get back on the road.
Scripture tells us God sings over us. Isn't that an amazing thought? We are told His banner over us is love. How marvelous.
Knowing how much I love my children and my grandchildren gives me just the slightest hint of the Father's love for me.
The Westminster Confession says "the chief end of man( and woman) is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever." I am glad He enjoys us, as well.
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