Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bucks Rule

The door bell's ring surprised me. I don't get many drop-ins, but my garage door's up position indicated my presence. One of my neighbors suggested I have a flag I fly, much like the Queen who notes her "in residence" status by unfurling the banner.
The neighbor who stood in my door was new to me. He simply said, "I took a picture of four bucks standing in your yard....would you like me to email it to you?
You KNOW how big a fan I am of the overgrown rabbits who rule my home, don't you? "Sure, I would LOVE to have it."
So, here are three of the four....I cropped the original to give you a closer view of these maurauding masculine menaces. Sorry, if I am a bit testy, but they have managed to eat over $3000 of flora.

What is the spiritual principle? Where do I see God in this picture and in this situation? After all, that is the purpose of this blog ---- to chronicle God sightings and my puny understandings of His activity.

The easy one is recognition that they are His creatures. They deserve respect because they are a product of His creative Hand. Okay, I will go with that one.

Harder is His sovereignty who allows these beautiful, but scavenging men to eat up everything I have planted. A good friend has told me to ask "what is bringing honor to God in your struggles," not "why am I going through this?" So, I will acknowledge God knows best----God is teaching me----I am a slow learner-----and my plans are not always His plans. And thankfully, my thoughts are not His thoughts.

On Tuesday I am teaching a Bible Study on reconciliation. Do you think this is an object lesson?

Of course, it should be flattering to have men gather at the bottom of my stairs.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so is the neighbor single? Judy Liles