Monday, July 13, 2009

I've Got Your Number

"I've got an address!" Sleepy Spring is rather a misnomer. The activity on the house is occurring at break neck speed. But I guess nobody wants to live on Break Neck Drive, do they? Dwarfed by the grand structure, Mary Helen daily checks the progress and daily pronounces it"good."
We each have names, too, and our days are numbered. I guess that gives us an address for our earthly existence. The verses in Isaiah reminding the people, "You are called by My name" always encourage me. Mary Helen and Smith can drive down the street and know that 6525 Sleepy Spring is theirs ---- it is called by their name. I like that my heavenly father knows my name, knows where I live, and cares even more about the life I am building than my sister and brother in law care about this magnificent new home of theirs (although that is hard to believe).
They don't have to drive aimlessly, looking for their house ---- they know exactly where it is. I don't have to live aimlessly, wondering about my purpose or my place.....I am His and He is mine.

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