Thursday, July 23, 2009

Handwriting on the Wall

King Nebuchenezzar was an evil old man, and an evil old man was he! During a particularly sordid evening, a mysterious hand appeared on the wall, writing four words: Mene, mene, tekel, uparsin. That is literally where the expression, "the handwriting on the wall" gets its origin.

I don't know about mene and parsin ("u" apparently means "and"), but tekel means "You have been weighed in the balance, and found wanting."

That is a sobering thought, isn't it? We all know what it means to fail....not measuring up is a painful experience from the first time we stood in the gym class line.....and stood....and stood while everyone else was picked to the times when someone else got the promotion, credit, fill in the blank.

This one is particularly shattering because it speaks to an entire civilization.

Today as I read Psalm 23 to Jack Kinder in the NET Bible, the words "The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing...." really struck me.

I think I am measured and found wanting ---- wanting things, wanting relationships, wanting holiness without paying a price, wanting lifestyle, wanting, wanting, wanting. There is such a small step from wanting to wanton.

When the Lord writes on my wall, I want "good and faithful servant," NOT "found wanting." I want my heart to lack nothing because I have everything needed.....everything He provides.

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