"Traveling light" doesn't apply to babies! The great array of paraphenlia almost boggles the mind. In our day, we put down the station wagon seats, covered the surface with an air mattress, loaded in the toys, and off we went. Who knew we were forever endangering life and limb?
Today's children travel in great style --- and with much flair.
By the time Anne loaded Jack into his assigned space, the entire vehicle was loaded stem to stern with his equipment....all of which adds color and function.
Each loaded piece returned the log house to its sedate palette. and now nothing but empty floor exists where blankets, play areas, and bumbos once sat. My Mom used to try and keep "our smells" in the house after we left. With three children, I was just happy to get us altogether in once place and moving....no time to appreciate what she meant. NOW I do. I have walked around today hearing Jack's sounds, enjoying the laughter between Jeff and Anne, replaying conversations that challenged my thinking and touched my heart.
The visit is over, but the impact will never end. Hopefully, our lives are all like that. When we leave, there should be a residue of love. Dad used to say certain people left a "benediction in the plaster" as they departed. I know the Horch family from Nashville, TN, did that, and it is an encouragement to me.