Saturday, April 3, 2010

Shout To The Lord

I played for a funeral yesterday. How I remember the very first was in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. The family gave me a piece of driftwood with pine cones and silk flowers glued on as my remuneration.
I realized that day what joy is mine to be part of these services. My spiritual gift of encouragement fully flowers when I play It Is Well With My Soul.
Everyone expects quiet, solemn music and I don't do that ---- I do emotional and triumphant. I want to trigger the "Yes, Jesus!" response among those who are grieving at their loss --- I want them to understand the glorious victory which is ours in Christ Jesus.
I used to think strong music was disrespectful, but I now know our spirits need this expression.
I only play music with identifiable words so the attendees can worship in their heads and hearts. It isn't about my music, but about the One who created it. It isn't about my skill, but about the "playing skillfully with a shout of joy!"
Martin Luther said every believer needed the Bible and a hymnal. How true.

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