Ooops, didn't mean for the pic to be so prominent, but -----
This summer I got tan....didn't mean to, but walking and swimming are more easily done outside and I thoroughly enjoyed the brightness of the days.
It became an interesting experience. People asked me about my activities....often wondering if I was frittering my summer away by "tanning." Then, they asled if I intended to get tan rather than maintain my year round paleness. I don't know how you can get accidentally tan, but....
Of course, spiritual principles occurred to me. Tanning is not something that just happens...it takes attention and timing. It also takes regular activity. Tans don't stay (as I am in the "fading" phase) - they must be worked on continuously. Isn't spiritual growth the same way? We can't do Bible reading once a week in church and expect the Son to shine and His reflection to be seen day after day. I found myself grabbing a few minutes here and there (even stopping at a McDonald's outside table while traveling) to soak up 10 minutes of Vitamin D. Wouldn't it be great if we stopped during our busy days to read a few verses of scripture, or just visit with God?
Would people start to comment on our spiritual glow if we purposed to bask in his Sonshine? What if we designed activities that took us into His world and into His light?
I loved the summer of the tan and it will probably not be repeated for many summer seasons, but I enjoy much more the reminder that a purposeful, intentional plan to Son year 'round gives no wrinkles and feeds my soul.